Monday 14 May 2012


woke up this morning without a voice, Ben WILL be pleased xD

Phoned the mental ward because my biological mother is in there and asked if there's anything she needs. She told the nurse she wants nothing from us and doesn't want to hear or see us. Apparently her HUSBAND (her drug addict carer) is bringing her everything.

Tried to play nice this week because I wanted to help but that's it now. After all they've done to me, I wanted to forget it and not hold a grudge but they can balls.

Spent the last 3 years borrowing her my food because they spent all their money on alcohol, literally to the point where I had nothing to eat myself and she never gave it me back or paid for it.

So when they come back out and they need some money, food or cider money, they can arse. Sick of being everyone's doormat. I've got my own life to look after.

She can't just play mummy whenever it suits her and then ignore us every other time.

I HAVE a mother and 2 fathers. They're there for me when I need them and don't steal all my food. So that's it.  Someone else can be her doormat from now on. I've had enough.

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