Sunday 13 May 2012

*cough, splutter*

I haz a cold today dear fellows. Which wouldn't be so bad if my nose's fluids didn't keep trying to run down my face D:

So bad that it gave me a nose bleed this morning...and since I get woozy at the sight of my own blood, I had to sit on the floor for a while xD

Just watched Twilight New Moon. I have to say, despite all the morbids saying it's crap, I actually liked it. Much better than Parry Hotter. Which is the same thing over and over, though I am 25, maybe that's why I don't like it any more xD Never been a fan of wizards, I'm more of a thief or assassin myself. Much rather have a sword than a stick XD

But enough about Skyrim, I'm off to cough more XD XD


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