Tuesday 29 May 2012

Eye appointment.

Now I'm going to bore you all with my eye appointment results, ooh you are lucky!

Well I went at half ten this morning, had those drops that dilate your eyes and make everything blurry then had to wait another half an hour for them to work. Got called in, sat down  and then he realized he forgot the scanning gel so I had to go back out and wait another hour *unhappy face*

They then called me back in and told me I couldn't have the scan because the scan machine was in Suite ten or something like that xD So I have to go back Friday. But he did put gel on my eyeballs and took photographs. It was a weird experience, someone touching your eyeballs xD

And the results were that I had some calcified deposits on my optic nerves! Never heard of that before in my life but he said that it's okay as long as I don't get any weird pains etc. but he will keep checking just to make sure :)

So back on Friday for a scan and then not again for another few months if all goes well :D

Such a weird thing to be told you've got; calcium deposits on your eyes. Never even heard of it before. Didn't know you could get deposits on your eyes O.o

PS! I have a Kobo eReader. I love it and am downloading Stephen King books as we speak....not literally, but I am xD


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