Sunday 27 May 2012

James Herbert

Forgot how good a writer he is! Reading 'Nobody True' at the minute and I can't put it down. Such a weird story; Jim, the main character goes on a business trip with his partner Oliver (think his name is) and winds up dead. Someone brutally murders him. The twist is that Jim has out of body experiences (OBE's) and was having one when  he got murdered. So he couldn't get back into his body! GAH!

I won't go too much into detail in case you guys want to read this...which I recommend! But now he's going around the world watching his family, his funeral and the murderer himself...freaky stuff. A lot of twists and turns and I really feel sorry for the guy. You'd better read this.

Now I'm off on eBay to look for more James Herbert books!


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