I'm Nik aka DovahNiik, a 31 year old super-nerd with dreams of becoming a horror novelist. This is my blog on the day-to-day life of a socially-impaired mother.
Wednesday, 23 November 2011
Thursday, 17 November 2011
Is the best thing since sliced people. It literally is as good as Oblivion,maybe better.
It's weird, I can take down a dragon with my bow but as soon as the spiders come, I run for the hills! Typical Imperial woman.
It's probably not doing wonders for my social life, but hey, never liked 'em anyway!
Back in real life, my stomach has been upset for like four days now, really getting on my nerves. I feel hungry all the time, it's sore to touch and I want to puke but it won't come out. My stomach is really not doing its job properly. I even compromised and ate an apple today!
Bear's resorted to waking me at 6am with face licks, or more specifically, eye ball licks. So I'm going to get in bed for some nice, unconscious slumber.
Toodles! X
Thursday, 10 November 2011
Afternoon :D
But that's not what's on my mind, the things that are on my mind are:
SKYRIM is out on the 11th and I don't have the money to buy it! What in the God's name am I going to do?! D: I can't stop thinking about it. It's going to be AWESOME. Like seriously awesome :O I need to save all my money to get people's presents for Xmas. Pissing nobbers!! XD
and the second thing is that Fenris on DragonAge 2 is really over-rated. He's a bitch to make happy when you're trying to be a good person! Doing everything I would do and he moans and moans. Doesn't seem to mind the flirting though, typical.
Alistair on DA1 was waaaayyy easier to seduce because he was a nice person too XD
Wednesday, 19 October 2011
Oh dear Lord.
Monday, 17 October 2011
Have you noticed...
I've been saying 'yes' to mum all day and I've ended up with 2 cups of tea, an apple and a thousand bonfire toffee sweets?! I really need to listen. She;s still doing it, hope I haven't admitting killing someone or something....too late now...just smile Nik, just smile....
Friday, 14 October 2011
Wednesday, 28 September 2011
Tuesday in the life of Bri- err I mean Nik.
Had a lovely birthday yesterday. Can't believe I'm 25 yet I still get asked for ID! Which leads me to believe there is no positives to come with age....unless you have awesome interest on your savings account, but that's neither here nor there...
So thanks to everyone who made my day special, especially mum, dad, Ben and our Shirl :)
On a separate note: I really wanna get into writing again when I find the time and relax again. I miss it. It's just figuring out what I want to write besides these monotonous blogs xD
I love horror so I'm assuming it be that, unless I scare myself too much to write it...like last time...only I could do that...
I also miss painting, but I need a muse there too.
Oh! And before I'm done. Imagine this: you're going a walk on an old pit and you see a man walking alone near the pond and a bike abandoned in the gorse bushes near us.
Then a police helicopter flies unusually low overhead and the odd man runs our way and just disappears out of sight....yep, I cried too...
Monday, 26 September 2011
Had a good birthday today, went shopping with my boyfriend and he treated me to a meal. Spent all my birthday money very quickly!
So now I'm back at home watching TV with Ben and Bear :) can't wait to try out my new games tomorrow!
It's been a while since I've had such a good time :)
Saturday, 6 August 2011
So I proceeded to get dad's laptop and use it for Facebook while I wait for the aliens to return my parents. I hope they haven't been zapped with a plasma rifle or something. How inconvenient that would be!
Sunday, 31 July 2011
Good afternoon peoples of Blogger.
I am now on muscle relaxants for my neck spasms so no more pain! Feel like a completely different person now I can move the neck! xD
Anyhoo, the flat's coming on well, I get 2 carpets Tuesday or even three depending on the money so it's actually gonna have a soft floor! xD haha. Nearly done the painting, just the awful stairs to do, but I'm leaving that last since my arms aren't that long xD
I'm trying not to turn into a typical woman and start moaning about all the housework I have to do now I live alone so it's back to gaming. Two new games: DragonAge and Dead Space 2. Both are looking good. Little more addicted to DA at the moment so I want to spend my time on that first and then put all my attention into Dead Space to get the real effect xD It is scary though, bloody nerve-wracking game.
Thursday, 28 July 2011
What a day.
And then I just get home to find two children throwing rocks at a wood pigeon that was tangled in fishing line and literally stuck in the weeds and had killed a few fish by being nobbers. So we told them to pee off and I told them if I ever saw them again I'd report them to the RSPCA. I pulled the bird out of the weeds and we cut the line.
It took us ages to free the wire from around it's wing, it was literally strangling it and very very sore. But (with a little protest from the pigeon from being handled by big, ugly, featherless humans) after a bit of a hassle, we managed to untangle him. He was wet and very scared and we had to put him in a safe spot to dry out but I think he'll be fine, I'll go check on him tomorrow see if he's flown off :)
Bloody kids these days, honestly. Some of them need castrating.
Sunday, 24 July 2011
Quote of the day.
Catherine - "Drop dead asshole!"
Terminator - "...I am unable to comply."
Friday, 1 July 2011
it's been absolutely mad moving all the stuff up, my feet are killing and I haven't had chance to eat yet but BenDave is going to the Chinese as we speak :D gonna have a bath and then get off up to the pub for a bloody good drink! would like to thank Ben, Shirley, Paul, mum and dad an michael for being amazingly supportive during this week and especially today, you awesome fewkers!
Thursday, 30 June 2011
My week.
Just got my bed and a few boxes of ladies crap to shift and I'm all moved. Once the carpets are moved in I'll move the fishtank and show Jeff, Logan and Bill their new home xD It's an awesome place, I'm allowed pets etc as normal :D
Ben's trying to convince me to get a Husky once we're settled. And knowing me, I'll give in hahaha. Monday is when I get all the paints etc. So that's painting day. Just gotta pick my colours and stuff ^_^
It's so awesome how quickly it's happened, I feel genuinely lucky to not only have a place, but have one in the place I wanted it, it's really hard to get a place around here.
I have a great family, great place to live and an even better boyfriend! <3
Love you baby
Monday, 27 June 2011
I'm a happy girl today, things are looking up!
And the weather is awesome xD hot like the Caribbean, unfortunately I live in the Midlands so no sea but that's okay, I have a bath tub xD
makes me really sleepy though *yawn* might have a catnap.....
Sunday, 26 June 2011
What an awesome weekend!
Ohh! New painting up folks, here it is...
Monday, 20 June 2011
Nik says...
And now it's raining.
So lemme try this....if I get a million pound tomorrow I'll scream!!!
Feeling a little..
And I just remembered the weird dream I had last night xD
I had a dream about Rob Kazinski! For the first time in a very long time. When I used to have a crush on him xD
He was secretly living in my village and no one knew who he was but me, so I stalked him a little. And then helped him fight his way through a battle with the Mafia (who for some reason were out to get him).....I won't go into the rest but he was very appreciative xD
Bloody dogs!
While I was cleaning the filter in the sink, my dog Pip came and stood next to me. So I stroked him, thinking he was coming for affection. And as he walked out of the room and my foot started to feel warm and wet, I realised that he'd actually pissed on my foot! Charming! I had to wash my feet in the bath and I will never wear those socks again. Dad found it extremely amusing.
Nothing much to say today, everything (besides the urination) is going smoothly. Wish I'd get my call-back soon though or else I'll go mad(der) xD
Wednesday, 15 June 2011
Good start...
And I've been waiting for my return call all day only to find that every time the phone rings, it's the same guy asking me if I want to buy some kind of pointless computer software. I tried telling him no, then I don't own a computer and bugger off but none of those worked. So this time I'm going to tell him that I'm dead. See if that makes him go away xD
And today...
On another topic, my little dog is starting to worry me, he's been a bit restless today and making a lot of groaning noises. He's 14 years old and showing signs of dementia. Trying my best to keep him calm and get him to go to sleep but he starts shaking for no reason. Bless him, I know dog's act strange when they're old so I'm trying not to worry too much. He did just come in my room, fart, and then go back out again so his sense of humour hasn't been touched by age HAHA. Little sod xD
Just finished Gray Matter, really enjoyed that game, the story was lovely and I got a good week or so's play out of it. Can't afford any more games at the moment so I'm playing STALKER still. It's a good game, get's a bit repetitive having to keep walking backwards and forwards to different places, it wouldn't be so bad if the loading times weren't horrendous. I still stick to my point that it could have used a 'fast travel' option. I've been through the same area a 100 times, I don't need to do it again xD
The mutants on it are weird. The Brain Squasher or whatever its called is pretty freaky. Hopefully not gonna see many more of those O.O
And I get really confused with ammo types on this game, if ammo didn't weight anything, it wouldn't matter. But I always end up with thousands of bullets for a gun I don't have and none for my bloody Desert Eagle! Which kicks ass xD
Anyway, I'm off to bed now I've had a good blog, night night!
Monday, 13 June 2011
Only downsides are the fact that you can't fast travel back to your trader and walking takes AGES when you're packed full off bloody awesome guns! ;) Which leads me to my second downside, I WANT TO CARRY MORE BLOODY AWESOME GUNS!!
Thursday, 9 June 2011
Wednesday, 8 June 2011
Wednesday Times.
I love having a new hobby, something challenging to get my teeth into. The only problem is the noise, it drives my mum crazy! HAHA.
And on a slightly irritated note: I, Nicola JB have managed to sprain my whole leg and ankle whilst sat on a chair! O.o
I was just sat with my legs under me, turned around and then the whole thing went numb for a few minutes and then the horrid, annoying sprain pain came through it. I'm sat in a bandage that Ben put on for me right now, to get help with the pain. ONLY I could do that while not moving!! HAHA.
Accident prone isn't even the word for me xD
Ooh ooh! Nearly forgot to add that I've been replaying STALKER: Shadow Of Chernobyl with my boyfriend today and even though it's bugged and glitched to pieces, I can't help but be addicted to it. There's just something about it that makes me want to keep playing. I do like the lack of music, it does make you feel really isolated as I can imagine a post-nuclear disaster area would feel if it were crawling with mutant piggys. xD
So, if you're gonna play it, maybe get the update patch first (like I'm doing now xD) and have a bash! And let me know if you can get the brightness to stay UP on your game. Mine keeps returning to default which is too dark xD
NX again xD
Sunday, 5 June 2011
Wonderful weekend.
Finished Singularity with him yesterday and we both agree it's a bloody awesome game. Like a mixture of Bioshock, Dead Space, Fallout, Timeshift and loads of other good games. We really enjoyed it!
Thursday, 2 June 2011
Nik the therapist....sort of...
it's okay to sit there and roll your eyes at them (like we do xD) but you chose him. A balance is good between fun and serious. no one wants a stick in the mud OR someone who seems to want to be 12 forever. Cos they're both annoying little shits xD
so...my advice is, ditch the boy and get a poster of Gerard Butler instead...you know what I'm saying ;)
Wednesday, 1 June 2011
Bit too much info? ;)
Funny thing I saw on Facebook today...
BBC News- "Mobiles 'may cause brain cancer'"
Download our iPhone app for more on this story.
Monday, 30 May 2011
Bloody Hell.
A bird squawked outside my window and woke me up so scared that I had a numb hand. then me being me, I thought I wad having a stroke and started an hour long, bloody awful panic attack!
bloody numb hand, gonna go to the doctors next week as recommended by a friend just to make sure it's not neurological...and maybe tell them to knock some sense in.
So tired of panic attacks. especially at half 6 in the morning. It has literally exhausted me. well you hyperventilate, having a racing heart and have adrenaline pump through your body for an hour whilst crapping yourself and see how great you feel! I can literally not clench a fist I'm that tired. So I'm gonna have another nap and hopefully the demon bird won't do it again xD
on a lighter subject: my dad hath given me a laptop so I now have a working spacebar ! Oh the joy!
Sunday, 29 May 2011
Nik VS Migraine.
2 Cocodamols managed to get rid of it, though I've been like a zombie most of the day while Ben makes his tarp thingy (or whatever it's called xD)
Literally have had no energy whatsoever. Glad it's bed-time now, gonna carry on reading Stephen King's Cell. Which I highly recommend if you like survival horror books, very unique and freaky! Although don't read it before bed if you want to sleep at night, you will not be able to just read a chapter then go to bed!
Gamer notes: Been playing The Lost Crown for a few days now and I'm seriously enjoying it! Very freaky ghost-hunting point and click style game. You get to use ghost hunting equipment a lot and it's very enjoyable...little bit Grudge-style sometimes :D
But remember to keep a notebook with you if you're gonna play this game, you'll need it!!
Wednesday, 25 May 2011
Tell me these aren't!
Monday, 23 May 2011
Oh one last thing...
Sunday, 22 May 2011
Good afternoon people.
And I just wanted to say that if you like point and click style games, that involve a lot of investigative work and puzzles, then this is a must play. Not only does it keep you thinking throughout the game but it's pretty scary too!
The atmosphere and noises you hear throughout the game are honestly scary. It kept me on my toes for the past few days. I can also guarantee you'll be stuck fast a few times. You really do have to think before you get past certain parts, earlier in the game more-so.
I'm not going to delve too much in to the story because I might spoil it for you, all I will say is that it takes place in the same abandoned town as the previous DarkFalls. And you play a very haunted and troubled investigator who, by fate or just unluckiness has somehow ended up back here, on the hunt for the little lost Amy.
I'm awfully sad I've finished it, it wasn't short but it was literally one of those games you never want to end!
Now...looking for my next game, which I think is going to be The Lost Crown. A ghost hunting game :D
This website translates your English into different dialects e.g. cockney, Elmer Fudd, jive talk, pig latin, moron, hacker speak and Redneck. VERY funny. For an example, I shall now translate my first sentence for you in Redneck xD
Haha, have fun! xD
Sunday, 15 May 2011
And a little gamer part here:
Played Hal;f-Life EP1 and now on EP2 with my boyfriend and wpe're on the final battle against both hunters and striders, trying to protect the base from blowing up. The WORST part of the game for me, as not only am I suicidal with cars, but also with anything that blows up...luckily my boyfriend is a bit better at that part than I. Unless it involves doors...
Wednesday, 11 May 2011
Half Life 2.
So now it's Episode One. Not looking forward to the underground level which is really dark and a thousand Combine zombies attack you a once -_- But someone's gotta save the world.
New Hair Bitches! xD
You can nearly see me in the dark! HAHA
Monday, 9 May 2011
His name is Nanook (Inuit for polar bear haha)
PS Bad Quality due to being a crappy mobile camera.
And I'm back :)
So I'm back here xD
Things are going good. Still with BD and we are doing awesomely well, we seem to be really compatible, hardly ever argue and spend a lot of time together. Even when we're not together, we're usually texting xD Spend a lot of time fishing and walking. Or just being prats together...
Gonna add a game blog sometime after this one as I have been doing a bit of that again ;D
Sunday, 20 March 2011
Right, this is to someone.
STOP talking about me to people because they come straight back and tell me....and WHY are you still talking about me anyway? Nobody cares buddy, nobody cares....
Saturday, 19 February 2011
Shadow of the Tomb Raider review.
Shadow of the Tomb Raider review by Dovahniik Finally finished it! It is one hell of a game, no doubt about it, but there are aspects th...
Bit irritated at the moment. Won't to too far into detail as there are some people on Facebook who would moan at this and I can't re...
Thought i would spell CBT out because people have been congratulating me on having my bike test haha xD I don't hate the world enough to...
Hey guys, in my third week since mum died. It's getting easier, still crying at random intervals but I'm starting to cope with the...