Monday 20 June 2011

Bloody dogs!

Well it was a Sunday so I thought I'd get all the crap done that I usually don't want to e.g. the fish-tank and sorting out my pc. So I did it. But it wasn't as nice as I thought...

While I was cleaning the filter in the sink, my dog Pip came and stood next to me. So I stroked him, thinking he was coming for affection. And as he walked out of the room and my foot started to feel warm and wet, I realised that he'd actually pissed on my foot! Charming! I had to wash my feet in the bath and I will never wear those socks again. Dad found it extremely amusing.

Nothing much to say today, everything (besides the urination) is going smoothly. Wish I'd get my call-back soon though or else I'll go mad(der) xD


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