Monday, 26 November 2012


So, December is on the way and for the most gullible of us, this means one thing; the end of the world. 

Now you laugh, but I have actually heard people discussing this in worried tones. They actually believe it's going to happen. So I'm going to point out a few things, to give you guys some peace. 

The Mayan Calender ran in cycles (b'ak'tun) and this date in December is just marking the fact that our current cycle has ended and the end of the fourth world, which we are in now. Marking the start of the 14 b'ak'tun and fifth world. That's ALL. 

Also, there is record of the Mayan's writing about dates beyond the 13th b'ak'tun, long in the the future. So there is going to be a future. 

Let's also note that the world has been ready to end many times, according to scare-mongering idiots and the dates have passed without so much as a wave from Jesus or the Anti-Christ. 

People love scare-mongering. And they like to preach. They know that if they preach a future prophecy, the people they are scaring will respect and listen to their word more often. And it's true. They will. How many of you have researched the Rapture just because of the man that foretold of it years ago? And how many of you are atheists? 

This just proves that we will believe anything that someone tells us, if it scares us. Because we'd rather be prepared than surprised. 

Instead I think that maybe we should use our common sense and use recent history to guide what we believe. Even the most gullible of us aren't as stupid as they want to believe. 

In fact, Google Professor Brian Cox and hear his words on 2012. He's one of the smartest minds in Britain and he thinks that anyone who believes that rubbish is a nobber. And I agree. 

Instead of wasting time worrying about the world ending (whenever it does), why not spend that time doing something constructive and enjoying life. Because when it does end, there's not a damn bit of difference that worrying is going to do for you. Look at the dinosaurs. 

But I'm sure that the world isn't going to end in 2012. There is not one bit of evidence to support it. Even God said beware of false prophets. So unless you find an alien ship under your house, with cannons the size of buses, I wouldn't worry. 

And if you want to know how many times the world has predicted our untimely demise. Take a look at this.



  1. The only thing that 'scares' me is the fact that any of these dates listed in the link, have been taken seriously at all. Aside from the scientific claims at the end of the list, but they are talking dates so unimaginably far into the future it's not worth thinking about.
    It's stupid. Everyone knows the world will end 2014 :)

    1. Haha it is ridiculous just how many dates there have been and you can bet that people believed it every single time. It was supposed to be the rapture in May and that fell through (shock! xD). What's bad about that is the amount of devoutly religious people that sold their houses and all their possessions because they thought they'd be taken. I feel sorry for them a little but still, even if you believe in all that, you should still have common sense -_-

  2. Haha, as long as there are no zombies... Those things are only good for shooting in game!

    1. You'd be surprised at how many people want a zombie apocalypse, because they think that if they're good on zombie games, they'll be fine in real life. It's funny XD

      Most of them wouldn't know which end of a gun to shoot and since I live in England, how are they going to get hold of a gun anyway!? XD

      It reminds me of the guys that think they'll be good in the army because they play Call Of Duty XD

      If the worlds going to end, I propose it ends with loads and loads of chocolate XD XD


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