Friday, 30 November 2012


Bit irritated at the moment. Won't to too far into detail as there are some people on Facebook who would moan at this and I can't remember how to stop this posting on there xD

I just find the ignorance I've seen in the past week or so really disappointing. I thought higher of some people. I always treat people how I want them to treat me and its annoying when people don't do the same.

But I hold a grudge for a very long time so I'll remind them of that when they need me. I'm not a doormat....mainly because I don't like feet xD

Starting to worry a little about the future now; mostly because I'm off anxiety medication now. Doing well though, didn't think I'd be able to handle it. But I'm getting there, its not as bad as I thought. Little by little, I'm learning how to cope on my own.

Also, novel update. I'm doing what my guide book suggests and having a break from it, so I can look at it next week with fresh perspective.

It looks done to me though, one last spell check by hand, not Word and then I'll let my chosen, trusted, few read it and see what they think. After that, all being well, if it needs mo more editing, I'll start learning about publishers and agents. Fingers crossed :D

Have a good weekend guys, NX

Monday, 26 November 2012


So, December is on the way and for the most gullible of us, this means one thing; the end of the world. 

Now you laugh, but I have actually heard people discussing this in worried tones. They actually believe it's going to happen. So I'm going to point out a few things, to give you guys some peace. 

The Mayan Calender ran in cycles (b'ak'tun) and this date in December is just marking the fact that our current cycle has ended and the end of the fourth world, which we are in now. Marking the start of the 14 b'ak'tun and fifth world. That's ALL. 

Also, there is record of the Mayan's writing about dates beyond the 13th b'ak'tun, long in the the future. So there is going to be a future. 

Let's also note that the world has been ready to end many times, according to scare-mongering idiots and the dates have passed without so much as a wave from Jesus or the Anti-Christ. 

People love scare-mongering. And they like to preach. They know that if they preach a future prophecy, the people they are scaring will respect and listen to their word more often. And it's true. They will. How many of you have researched the Rapture just because of the man that foretold of it years ago? And how many of you are atheists? 

This just proves that we will believe anything that someone tells us, if it scares us. Because we'd rather be prepared than surprised. 

Instead I think that maybe we should use our common sense and use recent history to guide what we believe. Even the most gullible of us aren't as stupid as they want to believe. 

In fact, Google Professor Brian Cox and hear his words on 2012. He's one of the smartest minds in Britain and he thinks that anyone who believes that rubbish is a nobber. And I agree. 

Instead of wasting time worrying about the world ending (whenever it does), why not spend that time doing something constructive and enjoying life. Because when it does end, there's not a damn bit of difference that worrying is going to do for you. Look at the dinosaurs. 

But I'm sure that the world isn't going to end in 2012. There is not one bit of evidence to support it. Even God said beware of false prophets. So unless you find an alien ship under your house, with cannons the size of buses, I wouldn't worry. 

And if you want to know how many times the world has predicted our untimely demise. Take a look at this.


Saturday, 24 November 2012


If anyone hasn't got Skyrim for the pc *laughs at noobs* then get on Steam now! It's 17 quid!

Friday, 23 November 2012

Winter has come!

It's not the Coca-Cola adverts that start the beginning of winter for me, nor the shitty weather or lack of money. In the Barnett house, it starts when I open the lobby hole door and pull out the massive 13 tog winter quilt....then when I'm putting it on the bed, Bear crawls inside the sheet cover and can't find her way back out >.< 

That's how my winter has begun. It will follow with moaning about money, Seasonal Affective Disorder and putting on around five pounds of weight...then moaning about that too. 

They say us British are weather-hardened but I think that's pants. We moan when it's hot, we moan when it's cold. We moan because we're moaning. It's the British Way. Now those Nords...they're weather-hardened....


Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Fifty Shades, Part 1.


Now, I've just finished reading 50 Shades of Grey, Part 1. Yes it did take me a long time but being the multi-tasker that I am, I was juggling Firestarter, Carrie and Fifty Shades at the same time.

My initial thoughts were that I wouldn't like it; I don't like BDSM and I don't like cocky blokes in suits and it's hard to use Facebook without hearing that FS has both of those things in it.

But, after reading through the first few chapters, you come to realise that it isn't just a girl-porn, it's a story of a blossoming romance with a man that has serious control issues. I haven't read the 2nd or 3rd yet but I'm guessing it has something to do with his mother. All men's problems are because of their mothers. Somehow, some way, it always comes back to them. It's why I want a girl when I pop one out.

But I digress. Despite Christian Grey having a very serious, business-like exterior, he also has a very soft, sweet side that he doesn't like showing. Cliché I know, but in this story, it works well. Now, as Anastasia finds out very slowly, he has never had a real girlfriend before or ever had real feelings towards a woman before her. All he's ever had are 'subs' meaning submissives, a BDSM term for someone that you control and does everything you say.

Part of the story is Ana trying to learn the submissive ways so she can please him in the sack and struggling with it. Since she's pig-headed like me, part of why the story is so relate-able to me. And the other part is Christian trying to compromise with her - because he has very strong feelings for the first time in his life - and become more boyfriend-y and struggling with that. But, they both try very hard.

The problem comes from the fact that, because of some childhood trauma, I guess, Christian does not like being touched. He doesn't like sleeping in the same bed as a woman and he doesn't know how to express his feelings towards her well. Ana tries to delve deep into his mind and find out where his touch phobia comes from but she is unsuccessful. I think that part of the reason she tries so hard to be his submissive is because she hopes that sooner or later he'll confide in her. That doesn't happen during Part one unfortunately.

Now, I found the journey of Christian trying to be a 'normal' guy very sweet and addictive. It's a joy to read all the small things he does for her; things he's never done before and the parts of his life he opens up to her. It's the main part of the reason why I enjoyed it so much. The thought that a woman can change a man to be more suitable to her, is a secret want to many women in the world. But, it doesn't come without problems.

Towards the end of the book, Ana makes her feelings for him very clear and although he feels the same - it's very obvious at this point - he is shocked and slightly appalled that someone could feel that way towards him. He has very bad confidence issues in himself, despite being filthy rich and hot as hell. This again, is most likely because of past family issues and the horrible childhood that he had.

The end of the book is very upsetting, I won't tell you what happens but it's a shock. Even though you will probably think, like I did, that it was inevitable.

The journey of two people, who are extremely different, trying to find a happy way to be together is really well written in this book and you do really start to care for them and hope they can find a way to do it. I look forward to reading Part 2 and 3 in the coming days.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012


Switched to a Google+ Profile, no idea what that means or what I'm doing but it seemed like a good idea at the time xD

Playing FarCry 2 again today, got into it again after finishing Dead Island ...which is epic may I add :D Apart from the constant need to repair weapons, which costs LOADS and carrying a thousand items that you have no idea if you ever need XD

But I love FC2, it's a HUGE game. The only downside is the lack of weapons you can carry, yeah I know, in RL you wouldn't be able to carry loads either, but it's not RL it's a game! I want to carry more weapons!

Oh and the fact that I have no idea what the weapon names are so when it comes to upgrading, I don't know what I'm upgrading or if I've even ever used them >.< I know a few well known weapons e.g. AKs, the Dragunov or UZIs and a rocket launcher is pretty obvious but the others I don't know and I'm pretty sure I've wasted all my diamonds upgrading the shotgun I've ever used :/

SO yeah, change that for number 3 Ubisoft, otherwise I'll be nagging you all year and that's a torture you won't bear xD

Will write more when I can be arsed, Nik out


Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Un-Christmas Spirit.

Not feeling particularly cheery at the moment, like a lot of people this time of year my main worry is how I'm going to afford to buy everyone presents. But I think I'll manage it, I always do. Not many people are lucky enough (or at Xmas - unlucky enough xD) two have two mothers, two fathers and three families to buy for this time of year. It's hard work but I think I'll manage xD

        It's just irritating when everyone around you seems to be able to splurge on something awesome, and I feel guilty every time I buy a packet of fags because they're six pound thirty pence. I've worked really hard the past two weeks on getting this novel finished, trying to keep the flat tidy, Bear fed and walked and cooking for Ben, trying to help everyone out and I haven't really felt like it's paid off yet.

          But writing is a hard business to get into, hopefully if I have confidence in myself, I can pull it off....the plan is: get rich, spend something on myself for a change, then move to America and stalk Jared Leto/Gerard Butler/Chris Evans (not the ginger one)/Ryan Reynolds.

That's the plan, it's a good, solid plan with no down sides, of course I'll need to learn how to drive, so I'll need an airfield to practice in (so I don't massacre millions of people xD) and then I'm all set.

Applications to be my sidekick can be sent to my Blogger account. xD


Shadow of the Tomb Raider review.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider review by Dovahniik Finally finished it! It is one hell of a game, no doubt about it, but there are aspects th...