Monday 16 April 2012


So stressed out earlier that my finger went numb. Twas weird and made me panic, then that bloody cycle started: stress, numbness, panic, stress, numbness, palpitations, panic etc. Etc.

Luckily its tired me out so I will sleep tonight xD


Decided to try and write my novel again. See if I can pull down the writers block. I miss writing, its so peaceful and let's me vent my weird imagination xD


Bit upset at finding out thst you can be the most caring person in the world but sometimes someone is too far gone to even see a problem and then there's the 'you can't help someone who won't help themselves' saying.

I now know that's true. Even then they might not appreciate it. So I've just decided to look after myself from now on. Don't like people wanting my attention sometimes and then telling me to mind my own business. Not doing that again, I can assure you!


1 comment:

  1. I love writing too, as you said, its so peaceful and we need that from time to time.


Comment! :)

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