Sunday 29 April 2012


Dunno why but for the last 3 days I've felt so low.

So low I've started smoking again, which is bad because I didn't even crave a fag the past 2 months. And the shit I'm getting from people about it, is making me feel even worse about myself. Like it's anyone else's business anyway.

Didn't really see the point in waking up this morning tbh. I'm tired, fed up and I just have no will to do anything at all. I don't know where it's come from but I wish it would fewk off.

I thought having a good tidy would make me feel better but it's not.  I've eaten twice in two days so far. Gonna try and eat something in a bit though I suppose.

Just been sat here crying for the past half an hour like I was yesterday. My neck hurts and the exercises the physio gave me aren't working.

Ben wanted me to go to his cousin's with him to meet 'em but I don't feel sociable at the minute.

Tried to play Half Life but I just don't see the point. Might as well just go back to bed.



    Maybe not right, maybe not tomorrow, but everything will one day be beautiful Nik. Feelings like you have now, will pass.
    Ben is very lucky. You're beautiful and you have a good soul. Hang in there.

    1. Thank you :) I feel much better now, had a really down two days, still not sure why but I'm feeling better now :)


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