Tuesday 24 April 2012

Our Crime.

Watched this with Ben tonight. It really opened our eyes to the awful side of the internet. People Youtubing videos of them pranking other people by slapping them on the head (happy slapping) and making gang videos for internet stardom.

Watching the one about a few young boys went from happy slapping people, to beating up an old lady who told them to get off of her garden fence, to riding past an elderly man and his 3 year old grand child and punching him in the head and killing him in front of her,  made me sick.

The story after with the boys who had created a rap video bragging about carrying knives and guns and eventually stabbed a young boy fatally, really affected me too.

But the efforts the police went through to catch them, astounded me, they watched thousands of hours YouTube and CCTV footage to know and recognise the murderers and finally convict them to life in prison.

The police don't get enough praise in the country for their work, so this blog is for them and the families AND victims who died for no reason, like those on Our Crime.



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