Wednesday 5 December 2012

Wednesday Catch Up + Far Cry 3.

So I got double dosed on Amitriptyline from my doctor, she thinks it's Seasonal Affective Disorder and that I just need a little pick me up and I'll be back on track. So far, so good. Since Amitriptyline is a painkiller as well, my neck is absolutely fine...never thought I'd say that again! I haven't need painkillers for it for two days (which is good since they didn't work anyway -_-)

My attitude and anxiety is improving slowly, I'm in a brighter frame of mind and actually not worried about anything at the moment...I know, you're stunned silent aren't you? xD

So here's a few less serious updates on the life of moi.

Firstly, I've added some more scenes to the novel, after my week break from it, I came back with fresh perspective and had some awesome ideas for it. To spice it up a bit. Some advice in my Novel Publishing guide was to treat it like you only get ONE chance to make it the best it can be. And that advice has worked for me so far. It's coming along wonderfully now my block has gone. It's the hardest thing I've ever done but I bloody love it. I tried to write two books aged 11 and then again at 14 so I know it's something I've wanted to do for a long time....I just didn't have the patience or knowledge back then.

And lastly, a gaming update. I've been given FarCry 3 as an early Christmas present. Let me start by saying that it is the best game I have played in a long time. I would even go so far as to say it's next to Skyrim as the best games of all time. And I can't choose between them and you know how much I love the Elder Scrolls. That's how much I love it.

It's an open-world game like Skyrim, probably why I love it so much, and you sort of 'level up' in a similar way, and every level you get to pick a skill, or in Skyrim terms; a 'perk'. In Far Cry every perk you pick is awesome. They're fun and make your character a beast of a man. I won't go too much into detail as finding this out for yourself is most of the fun.

Now onto my favourite part of the game (and trust me, there's SOOOOO much about it that I love), which is Vaas. Vaas Montenegro is the villain of the game, you've probably seen him on the adverts for it. He's the guy that says, "Did I ever tell you the definition of insanity?" And yes he is as crazy as he looks.

I love him, he's my favourite villain now. He actually has an actor who played him in the game and voiced him etc. and he looks exactly like him, which says a lot about graphics in this day and age! It's astounding.

Now I know you aren't supposed to like the game villain, especially when he shoots your really hot brother in the neck and kills him but he's just awesomely played. He's so crazy that it makes you like him xD

There's a series called Far Cry Experience on Youtube that has Christopher Platz (McLovin' from SuperBad) trying to escape from Vaas (the actor) and being tortured...which is hilarious by the way, give it a look, you'll laugh your socks off xD

Back to the game: The world is beautiful and it's massive, it's located somewhere in the Pacific Islands and you get free run of a MAHOOSIVE island, which is densely populated with not only people who want to kill you, but animals that want to kill you as well. There are good guys, your new friends that help you any way that they can too. But it's the animals that make the game for me.

You have to hunt them if you want to upgrade your rucksack or ammo pouches, health pouches etc. and take their skin. It's horrible to hear but when you're in the game, just getting ready to stealthily attack the enemies, and then a tiger which has been hunting YOU, rips you to pieces, you won't mind the thought of skinning it. Trust me, it happens to me a lot.

Things I've also been attacked by are in order of occurrence: Cassowarys; like ostriches but they are extremely viscous and will stalk you for a LONG TIME. Kamodo Dragons. Also very aggressive and they're bloody sneaky -_- Crocodiles ambush me a lot, when I'm just stood by the river enjoying the beautiful scenery. And THAT is scary ...and sharks. God awful sharks that attack you when you're on your jet ski. *shudders*

That's only a small portion of the wildlife on the game, some are friendly and would rather run than kill you but some are horribly vicious and it's awesomely funny to watch a group of Cassowarys attack an enemy village and massacre every one in it XD Tigers are good for that too, leopards as well.

There really is a LOT going on on the FarCry island and you'll be playing for a long time trying to uncover all of it's secrets, which just makes it more rewarding for me. The hunting side of the game is really rewarding too, especially when you hunt the rarer animals in the game and craft yourself a bigger rucksack so you can carry a lot more valuable loot. It's just awesome.

Right, I need to go feed my hound so I'll leave it for now, probably continuing the Far Cry fangirling a bit later on. Just remember, do NOT underestimate or try to pet the Cassowarys. You will regret it later.


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