I'm Nik aka DovahNiik, a 31 year old super-nerd with dreams of becoming a horror novelist. This is my blog on the day-to-day life of a socially-impaired mother.
Tuesday, 24 September 2013
Something for the eyes today.
Was doing some research for interesting places for my next novel when I came across this site; Mesa Verde in Colorado and some really awesome cliff dwellings, so I thought I'd share. We live on a beautiful planet, don't we? :)
Thursday, 19 September 2013
Quick post.
To say I'm reading Clive Barker's Hellbound Heart and - after looking at the cover and not realising what film was based on the book - I realise I'll never be a detective. This is the cover:
Yup, that's right, it's Hellraiser. I didn't get that, though it was 11.30pm so I guess my brain switches off that late. I've read a few pages in and it's only when the book described one of the Cenobites (nope, the word Cenobite didn't give me a clue either :/) that I realised it was Pinhead. I haven't mentioned this before but Hellraiser really scares me, I can't explain exactly why but it does. So the book has now become a lot scarier to me - which, in true Nik style - makes me want to read it ten times more xD
It's my first Clive Barker book and I love my horror so I'm excited about it. Will do a little review when I've finished it :D
P.S. If you guys have any more good horror novelists, let me know :D
Thursday, 12 September 2013
What I've learned about relationships and love - by a former hopeless romantic.
What I've Learned About Love.
By A Former 'Hopeless Romantic'
Hopeless Romance is just a fancy term for selfishness.
So let me start with this; a 'hopeless romantic' female is usually a selfish one. You say you want a guy who showers you with roses or presents, opens doors for you and throws his jacket on a puddle so you can cross? Fair enough, but for that to be plausible and not selfish, you're gonna have to either do some pretty awesome things for him every single day or be really REALLY good in the sack. I used to want all those things from a guy until I realised that it's bloody hard work! How can I expect him to do that for me when I wouldn't be willing to that for any bloke? What makes me so special to deserve that?There isn't a single guy in the world that would rather do that for a girl who was specifically looking for that kind of treatment. Guys used to do it because they wanted to, not because you expected them to do it. So next time you come across a muddy puddle, step over it.
That's the wake-up call that I've had this year. What I looked for in guys up to 3 years ago was ridiculous; first you've got a specific look in mind for your future partner (who is usually higher in the looks department than you are), specific traits like being funny, being 'sensitive' (which is a nicer way of saying he will let you get away with crying all the time and boss him around when you're PMSing) but also being masculine enough to defend you, should a masked attacker break his way into your house.
Here's an example of what I used to look for:
A dark haired, rugged, extremely good looking man who is taller than me, has abs and an arse to die for, is sensitive yet masculine, has a great sense of humour, is mature but not boring, got to know how to play video games and dresses exactly like Jensen Ackles in Supernatural (....or IS Jensen Ackles from Supernatural), he's got to like animals, doesn't use drugs or drinks too much but he's also social enough to take me out whenever I want to go. He buys me stuff without me asking, earns a good income and wants to have children one day and is pro-marriage and can't be toothless.
I bet that's about as long as every girl's expectations in the man department and maybe you all think that it's fair to be this discerning about what you want in a man but let's look again; the guy I've just described up there would be a perfect man. So let's pretend for a second that there's even one guy out there that's like that and let's ask him what he wants in a girl. I will bet you all the tea in my cupboard that he isn't going to say:
"I want a 26 year old woman who is thin but has never worked out a day in her life so certain parts of her body are a but wobblier than they should be and has cellulite. She's so pale that she's nearly invisible and I want her to be so anxious that she can't leave the house some days, not to have a job and didn't leave home until she was 25. She should be social awkward, wears jeans and trainers every day and is uncomfortable wearing a dress, shaves her legs every three days so they're cactus like for two. She snorts when she laughs, swears too much, sometimes forgets to flush the loo after having a wee and will scream at me for even killing an ant. I want her to have IBS, eat way too much garlic and cheese, spend far too much time on computer games and Facebook and never ever back down from an argument even if she's wrong. That's my perfect girl."
Doesn't sound likely does it? So here's my point; ladies, you AREN'T AS PERFECT AS YOU THINK YOU ARE.
So here's where I am now, which is - and I'm being honest here - pretty damn good.
I am in a three year relationship. Neither of us have rock hard abs, we don't spend a great deal of time doing romantic things for each other and sometimes he'll moan if I ask him to carry my shopping. But, we rarely argue, we talk every single day and make sure at least one day a week is spent doing something together, whether it's shopping, going for a walk, watching a film, game together or going out for a meal, the point is we spend it together.We've had no whirlwind romance, we awkwardly got together by getting steaming drunk so that we weren't too nervous to talk to each other. But nearly three years on, we struggle spending even a day apart from each other. He doesn't buy me flowers every day, but he chooses to do it sometimes, which is a lovely surprise, but I don't expect it of him. He doesn't ask me to cook for him, but I do it because I want to, if I didn't, he'd do it.
We've had three family deaths in our relationship in three years so we've spent a lot of it crying, ( and that's not including my childhood dog, who passed away a few months before my mother did) we've spent a lot of it waiting for my panic attacks to die down and we've spent a lot of it exhausted. It's not The Notebook, it's not Twilight (though he is as hairy as a werewolf) but it's perfect enough for me.
We've had the occasional argument which lasts for ten minutes before we both apologize, regardless of who caused it, and go back to being okay. We don't like arguing, we don't always want to be right, we don't want each other to be perfect. We just want to be with each other because we are in love. It's a very simple love, it's not shiny or sparkly, but it's funny and it's comforting and I know that if he can, he will always be there for me. In fact, he wanted to be with me so much that two days after my mother's birthday a few months ago, he proposed to me and I said yes. (I knew he was up to something, he'd been avoiding my gaze for days, in fact I gave him a stern telling off the morning of the proposal to this effect, "Whatever the reason is for you ignoring me for the past few days, you can pack it in, because I know you're up to something and I don't like it." - thank God he ignored me!)
So there you go, we might a boring couple, we don't like to go out getting drunk every night and we're too skint to go on 3 holidays a year, but what ever we are, we're in it together. That's good enough for me.
Wednesday, 11 September 2013
The Bear.
So as I'm checking out Writer's Digest for helpful articles, my dog, Bear is totally engaged in watching the RSPCA program on TV. Apparently she really agrees that people should have larger tanks/habitats for their pet snakes, who knew?
Tuesday, 10 September 2013
Quick question.
Does anyone have a WordPress account? I've been told to get one and I can't find much information on them without signing up, are they any good? I gather they're a type of blog or something.
Monday, 9 September 2013
Today's Events.
So, I had my first of three Self-Employment lessons today at an Adult Learning centre. Since it's four hours long I was extremely nervous and unsure of whether my panic would let me stay calm for that long but after going, I realise that I can cope with a lot more of the 'normal world' than I first realised. It was fine; better than that, it was really good!
I really enjoyed it and as the first lesson was on confidence, motivation and assertiveness; I learned a great deal. I now understand how and why confidence is so important when becoming self-employed and I'm actually more confident about it being the right decision for me. Now I don't (yet) have many certified skills, because of my past history of extreme anxiety and depression, but I do have skills and it turns out that some of them; namely the photo restoration work I've been doing, as well as my writing, can actually be used as a business. I just need to catch and tame some confidence and motivation, which I'm working on now and I'm actually starting to feel like I might actually have a net big enough to do it!
Maybe this going out of the house thing isn't so bad after all ;-)
Have a great week guys, NX
I really enjoyed it and as the first lesson was on confidence, motivation and assertiveness; I learned a great deal. I now understand how and why confidence is so important when becoming self-employed and I'm actually more confident about it being the right decision for me. Now I don't (yet) have many certified skills, because of my past history of extreme anxiety and depression, but I do have skills and it turns out that some of them; namely the photo restoration work I've been doing, as well as my writing, can actually be used as a business. I just need to catch and tame some confidence and motivation, which I'm working on now and I'm actually starting to feel like I might actually have a net big enough to do it!
Maybe this going out of the house thing isn't so bad after all ;-)
Have a great week guys, NX
Tuesday, 3 September 2013
Another step forward.
So I've received my manuscript back from Agent#1 with a basic 'no thanks' on it, but that hasn't deterred me since a bit of research has told me that he's notorious for two word responses. To be perfectly honest, I'm no that disappointed because I tried to do some research on him but I couldn't find anything at all. I would like to take the time to fully research my next agents before I send my novel again, just to make sure they're suitable for my needs.
I also know that horror is a niche market these days, but I'm not put off by that, it just means that room for some new guys (or girls). I'm also aware of just how little the percentage is of books that get published compared to books that are submitted, so I'm probably in the same boat as a lot of people right now. Kind of exciting actually, I'm one step further than I was this time last year. So now I'm off to A) do some research on literary agents and if I need one and then B) look for some that will take on horror writers.
Hope you guys have a good day :)
I also know that horror is a niche market these days, but I'm not put off by that, it just means that room for some new guys (or girls). I'm also aware of just how little the percentage is of books that get published compared to books that are submitted, so I'm probably in the same boat as a lot of people right now. Kind of exciting actually, I'm one step further than I was this time last year. So now I'm off to A) do some research on literary agents and if I need one and then B) look for some that will take on horror writers.
Hope you guys have a good day :)
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Shadow of the Tomb Raider review.
Shadow of the Tomb Raider review by Dovahniik Finally finished it! It is one hell of a game, no doubt about it, but there are aspects th...
Bit irritated at the moment. Won't to too far into detail as there are some people on Facebook who would moan at this and I can't re...
Thought i would spell CBT out because people have been congratulating me on having my bike test haha xD I don't hate the world enough to...
Hey guys, in my third week since mum died. It's getting easier, still crying at random intervals but I'm starting to cope with the...