Thursday 29 August 2013

Lot going on!

Hey guys, another update here:

There's a lot going on now; the manuscript has been sent off and I'm looking for more agents that I take a liking to if this one falls through. The guy who runs the Work programme I'm on (for people with problems getting and keeping work) has suggested it might be a good idea to go self-employed if I want to be a writer. He thinks that my work with image restoration could be a little business for me as I try to get into writing and that I could have been making money from it for a while. Truth is: I never even thought of that! I didn't really think I was good enough to do it but people keep telling me I am.

So I'm taking a course on self-employment in September (nervous!) and we're gonna see about taking a small course in Photoshop, just in case there's anything I miss and I can get a certificate in it.There's a lot to think about lately but that's good for me; the more I have to think about, the less I'll be thinking about panic attacks. Haha.

Had a pretty nervous day today, it hit me for no reason this afternoon and then I realised what it was; I had forgotten to eat breakfast four hours ago and my body was letting me know it does not approve. Strange reason to panic, I know. Then again, the microwave is a strange reason to panic but that didn't used to stop me xD Ah the mind of a neurotic person works in mysterious ways!

Update again when I have more, hope you guys are having a good week,


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