Thursday 27 September 2012

Resident Evil Retribution. My Problems with it.

Okay so before I start, I need to say that I haven't seen it. I've seen stills and heard other Res Evil gamers talk about it, and from what I see and hear, they've butchered the game another year running.

I watched the last one, Afterlife I think it was and was REALLY disappointed in our favourite game characters portrayal on it.

Chris Redfield, played my Wentworth Miller, a GOOD choice I thought, didn't get enough screen time or script. He's a main character from the games and he should been a major character in the film. There's no way he'd bow down and let a woman he doesn't know fight his battles for him. This is how it goes: CHRIS fights Wesker. That's just how it is, it's been that way for a long time and hopefully will for a long time to come. Giving him one liners and the odd raspy sentence isn't good enough.

Wesker's character was played okay, I don't mind the actor choice but again, he seemed a little too cocky to me. Wesker should be made of stone, no smirking all the time or cockyness, he's stern and tough and will do anything to get what he wants. But as I said, not a bad choice of actor. He tried his best and pulled it off I think.

I'm not even going to get into Jill Valentine and Carlos Oliviera at the moment. Her actor choice was crap, she looks or acts nothing like our Jill from the games. Sticking her in the exact costume isn't covering up that fact.

I enjoyed Oded Fehr as Carlos, I didn't think I would but that guy can act! They didn't make him cocky enough though, Carlos was a ladies man who never shut up, they should keep him that way. They're letting the game version down AND also letting Oded down.

Now, to the worst part in the whole crap franchise for me, Leon S Kennedy's character in the film.

Are you bloody serious? He looks like a greased up porn star?! I mean, no offense to the actor but he looks NOTHING like Leon. I am actually scared to watch the new movie because of this. They've (from mine and other RE nerds point of view) butchered him.

Our Leon as of RE4. 
Stick some long hair on our Jensen and BAM!
Told you I was good!
Now, my idea for Leon is Jensen Ackles. He looks and sounds like Leon and he plays the tough but cocky guy very well.

The guy in the film has absolutely no idea what he's doing, he constantly looks confused and I suppose he's going to be over-shadowed by Alice as well is he?

Might as well have called the game Resident Alice.

Don't joke: that's a crap name for a crap set of films. I kind of liked the original, it was the one that felt the most RE for me. And Michelle Rodriguez is awesome in anything. I thought I'd like the introduction of more characters from the game but since the person responsible for script and teaching them how to act Res Evil style, failed miserably, it just added a bitter taste to my mouth.

You may think this blog is harsh, but if you've been playing Res Evil since you were 10 years old and sneaked the first game into the house without your parents knowing and did the same thing for every game that came out after it, you'll understand.

We gave Capcom our money on many occasions to play these games, the least they can do is give us something half decent to watch. We deserve that much don't we?


EDIT: Okay okay, I'll watch it. But I won't like it! xD


  1. I was the same as a kid playing RE all the time. On the first one, me a my friend would take turns going into different rooms. He'd get a room with a green herb and I'd get a giant snake. I don't like the films, what did they do to them? I'd rather be a Jill sandwich.

    1. Hahaha! I did that with my friend too, it terrified me. Because you move so slowly on the older ones, it seems much more scary.

      And I don't know, they're not scary at all. I would rather have Jill and Chris as the main characters than Alice, she's too good at everything for the films to be scary.

    2. I'd walk into a room and leave straight away based on the music, 'it's clear! Nothing in there!' I'd tell my mate. *shifty eyes*.
      The atmosphere of the first game was great. It felt very heavy and claustrophobic and I loved that, especially always running out of ammo. And you're right- Jill and Chris should be the main characters. I know watching a film is different to the feeling of 'being in one' but they always screw up, I'd put you in charge. Plus, you have good taste in games. Did you ever play Final Fantasy or Metal Gear Solid?


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