Thursday, 22 February 2018

It's only Thursday.

So disappointed. I got it into my head that it was Friday today so I've been in a weekend mood all day, looked at my computer and no, it's bloody Thursday. *sigh*

We've had a tough week with yet another cold and also Lara's last four molars have decided they want to make their appearance AT THE SAME TIME so she's in a joyous mood. Right now we're in my bedroom and she's watching Frozen in bed - with a plate of pretzels by her side.

I'm sat here trying to think of something to write and get some ideas together for the sequel to Plagued, but I'm so congested that my brain just keeps coming back to Frozen. If, in my next book, Sarah and Mark start singing 'Do You Want To Build A Snowman?' I do apologize. Blame mum-brain.

Husband is on like 12-hour shifts too so when we get to spend some time together it's basically turning on the TV and vegging out with snacks. There's usually a kitten and dog thrown in somewhere too.

I'm really looking forward to this weekend as it's going to be a little research trip to the moors to get some ideas for the book, which is exciting as it means development is really starting now. Hopefully, I'm a little more experienced with horror now as I have given birth and also raised a toddler. Not to mention the strangeness that is Show Me Show Me *shudder*

On another subject: it's been nearly two weeks now since Cleo moved into our home and she's doing great. She's had her vaccinations and we've just had her microchipped so she can't escape us now! Mwahaha! Next month she'll be getting spayed so she can't get slutty out there in the wilds. Well, I suppose she still can, she just won't need child support payments from the father.

It's weird having a cat. I wake up with my eyeballs being licked and yesterday she fell asleep on my neck! I'm still not 100 percent sure she wasn't low-key trying to smother me but we'll see how it goes. We can use this blog post as evidence if it does happen. One down-side is that she likes to play with her noisiest toys in the middle of the night and bring them to you, just in case you wanted to join in. I spent last night taking bells off her toys before bedtime and she still managed to find one with bell intact!

So this weekend, I'm going to enjoy a small (large) glass of water (whisky) and have some wonderful exercise (lounging) around the country (house.) Hope you guys are as productive as I intend to be! ;)

It's been a LONG week!


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