Thursday, 27 September 2012

Resident Evil Retribution. My Problems with it.

Okay so before I start, I need to say that I haven't seen it. I've seen stills and heard other Res Evil gamers talk about it, and from what I see and hear, they've butchered the game another year running.

I watched the last one, Afterlife I think it was and was REALLY disappointed in our favourite game characters portrayal on it.

Chris Redfield, played my Wentworth Miller, a GOOD choice I thought, didn't get enough screen time or script. He's a main character from the games and he should been a major character in the film. There's no way he'd bow down and let a woman he doesn't know fight his battles for him. This is how it goes: CHRIS fights Wesker. That's just how it is, it's been that way for a long time and hopefully will for a long time to come. Giving him one liners and the odd raspy sentence isn't good enough.

Wesker's character was played okay, I don't mind the actor choice but again, he seemed a little too cocky to me. Wesker should be made of stone, no smirking all the time or cockyness, he's stern and tough and will do anything to get what he wants. But as I said, not a bad choice of actor. He tried his best and pulled it off I think.

I'm not even going to get into Jill Valentine and Carlos Oliviera at the moment. Her actor choice was crap, she looks or acts nothing like our Jill from the games. Sticking her in the exact costume isn't covering up that fact.

I enjoyed Oded Fehr as Carlos, I didn't think I would but that guy can act! They didn't make him cocky enough though, Carlos was a ladies man who never shut up, they should keep him that way. They're letting the game version down AND also letting Oded down.

Now, to the worst part in the whole crap franchise for me, Leon S Kennedy's character in the film.

Are you bloody serious? He looks like a greased up porn star?! I mean, no offense to the actor but he looks NOTHING like Leon. I am actually scared to watch the new movie because of this. They've (from mine and other RE nerds point of view) butchered him.

Our Leon as of RE4. 
Stick some long hair on our Jensen and BAM!
Told you I was good!
Now, my idea for Leon is Jensen Ackles. He looks and sounds like Leon and he plays the tough but cocky guy very well.

The guy in the film has absolutely no idea what he's doing, he constantly looks confused and I suppose he's going to be over-shadowed by Alice as well is he?

Might as well have called the game Resident Alice.

Don't joke: that's a crap name for a crap set of films. I kind of liked the original, it was the one that felt the most RE for me. And Michelle Rodriguez is awesome in anything. I thought I'd like the introduction of more characters from the game but since the person responsible for script and teaching them how to act Res Evil style, failed miserably, it just added a bitter taste to my mouth.

You may think this blog is harsh, but if you've been playing Res Evil since you were 10 years old and sneaked the first game into the house without your parents knowing and did the same thing for every game that came out after it, you'll understand.

We gave Capcom our money on many occasions to play these games, the least they can do is give us something half decent to watch. We deserve that much don't we?


EDIT: Okay okay, I'll watch it. But I won't like it! xD

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Far Cry 2 Part 2. The Good Stuff

So, I'm now 45% into the game and a LOT of shit has gone down since earlier!

I managed to do all the missions for one side of the faction and killed the leader of the other side. I won't give too much away but I certainly didn't see that coming! Not to mention the epic sandstorm that nearly kills you. 

It's safe to say, shizz goes down and not good stuff. You nearly die again and now I'm back in the game but with a handy (can't figure out how to work it yet) mortar :D 

It's fun, if you can aim the thing and have unlocked some new guns, which are epic. So it's getting better! 

One thing that annoys me though, that I forgot to add in the first post: there are no names next to your weapons, so you have no idea what they are called, which is irritating since when you get to the armoury and want to upgrade your weapons, there is the name and how much it costs....but NO PICTURE. And since a lot of the weapons look the same, you have no idea what you are upgrading. If anyone has a better way, please comment 'cos it's driving me bonkers. 

Back to the good stuff. 

The good parts of FarCry for me are: 

The HUGE map. It's massive and non-linear so you can pretty much go where ever you want, when you want. Although I do recommend NOT exploring if your pot of malaria pills is empty. 

There are many different environments to explore, such as the desert, jungles, swamps, villages etc. it's a very beautiful game. The sunset on FarCry 2 is unbeatable and so are the random animals that you see. I ran over a zebra, most heartbreaking part of the game for me. Poor thing. Bloody women drivers!

Like I said in the first post, the weapons are awesome, there's a massive selection. You may start with something crappy but don't worry, once you've earned or found some diamonds and gotten yourself to the armoury, you'll be able to buy and upgrade to something much better. 

There are many safehouses in the game that you steal from the enemy and can then rest and store your weapons there whenever you want, as you do more buddy missions, the safehouses will become equipped with ammo and a vehicle to take whenever you visit. Your buddies will also meet you there from time to time and will ask you if you would like them to rescue you if you die. VERY handy. 

The buddy system is a good part to the game too, you apparently have many in the game, though I'm only half way through so I have around 4 I think at this point. You do missions for them to gain reputation and history with them, so they like you more. When you've accepted their offer of buddy rescue,  they'll come drag you out of the hell fire if you get in over your head. Although be careful with them, they can die. You get the choice to heal them, or if you aren't very nice or have no health syringes, you can mercy kill them. Something I have not done yet. I'm a softy at heart. 

The vehicles in the game are also awesome, I'm a girl and therefore have little knowledge about anything with an engine but the ones I enjoy so far are the dune buggy, Jeep Wrangler and the Jeep with a turret on the top (not sure what the in-game name for this is). There are loads of crap cars in the game, that you'll no doubt have to resort to in desperate times but it's quicker than walking. The good things about them in this game is that when they get damaged, you repair them. They don't blow up straight away...unless you accidentally grenade one...I've heard...

I don't want to tell you all the good things in the game, since I don't want to accidentally ruin your experience by mouthing something important off, so I'll just say this: yes, it's a very slow starting game and you'll need some patience during your learning curve, but after the first few missions are done and you slowly get into more of a bad ass, you'll enjoy it immensely, can see why, despite it's bugs and flaws, many people find this game amazing and it's got 4 and 1/2 stars on GameSpot! 

Look forward to the next one!


Far Cry 2 - Part 1

This part of my blog is the parts of the game I don't like. The second will be the parts that I do like.

NOTE: I'm writing these blogs as I'm playing and right now I'm 20% into it. So don't yell at me because I don't know the whole story yet, this is a gradual game review that will be done in stages.

Been playing this game for like two weeks now and I can't decide if I like it or not. It's good, don't get me wrong, I love that it's an open-world and there's a huge array of weapons available (if you can afford them), not to mention different vehicles to travel in. There's a hang-glider you know, haven't had the chance to use it yet because as soon as I got on it, I fell into a rock :/

The problem with it is that you never really understand much of the story OR feel involved in it. It's a civil war story and you are trying to murder the arms dealer known as the Jackal, who armed both sides and to find him, you have to do missions for either side to track him down. There are many other types of mission to do, buddy missions etc. but I'm not 100% sure if they help towards finding the Jackal.

That's the problem with the game, you're never 100% certain of anything. You don't get a great deal of information about the world you are in on Far Cry 2. It took me a week to get the story or lack thereof. You just seem to be thrown in, with crap weapons and malaria.

Although, as you go along, you do get more accustomed to the game and learn a bit about it from the few hints that pop up during certain points. But you'll probably still be confused a little.

One of my peeves so far (20% into the story apparently) is the bloody driving. You have to drive half the way around the map most missions and then drive back and it's a long way. It wouldn't be so bad if you could bomb it straight there but it seems like there's a enemy guard post at every junction you come to and everyone hates you. So you're getting out of your car to shoot them all and then driving off, only to do it again a few yard ahead. And what's also annoying is that even if you've JUST cleared one of the guard posts and you pass it again a few minutes later, the enemies magically appear back there again! It's kind of repetitive and a shame that you have loads of cool vehicles but never really a chance to have a bit of fun with them. Especially the dune buggy. It's a nippy little thing but it has no turret and gets damaged really easily so every time to start to have fun with it, someone shoots it and you have to get out, kill them then repair it. Then the cycle continues.

There are some bus depots in the game, one in each corner of the map though, that let you basically fast travel to the other depots. Handy yeah, but in very short supply when you really can't be bothered to drive up the same road you've passed a thousand times just to get to a mission that takes you 2 minutes to complete.

I'm an avid Skyrim/Elder Scrolls fan and even though I know this isn't an RPG, it seems to lack the open-world freedom that Skyrim has. Yes, I know there are no dragons in FarCry so I shouldn't compare the two but exploring in Skyrim is very rewarding. Exploring on FarCry (so far), isn't that rewarding. Mostly because all you find (besides the odd diamond case) is another bloody guard post.

I thought that if I decimated the posts I come across with my cheap and cheerful rocket launcher, then it'd be gone when I came back to it, but nope, magically repaired and full of guards. AAHHHHH!

Now don't get me wrong, I like playing the game, in fact it's all I've been playing for the past two weeks, but I can't help think that I'd be a lot further in the game if the repetitive travel wasn't so....repetitive and boring. I do two or three missions then I get bored of driving and quit. Which is a shame because both the plot and gameplay have real potential.

I won't even get into the fact that FarCry 2 is absolutely nothing to do (plot-wise) to FarCry. They've taken all of the monsters (which I LOVED) out of the game and so now you're just fighting soldiers. Which is a bit boring if you've ever played the first game and loved stalking the monsters in the wilderness. If you're going to basically change the whole game, there's not much point in calling it FarCry TWO, is there?

NEXT: The fun parts of FarCry 2. As played by me.


Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Resident Evil 6 Jacket?

So a look on the Resident Evil Official Facebook page tells us that the new Resident Evil 6 game is out October 2nd. Great stuff!

It also tells us that you can order Leon S, Kennedy's jacket, a replica of course, (we know he's not real....*ahem*)....with a Collector's Edition of the game! Sounds awesome right? So I go through the checkout process to see how much it's going for and then I see the price: £899.

Nope, I'm not shitting you, that's the real price. Now, I don't know much about leather prices but I'm pretty sure leather jackets aren't that expensive. The Collecter's Edition without the jacket is £50 so you're basically paying around £849 for a jacket.

I LOVE Resident Evil, I love Leon too but since he's not real and hasn't actually worn the jacket (and unfortunately can't be posted IN the jacket for me) I won't be paying that price for it. Seriously Capcom? You don't need money that badly. Do you?

So you want the jacket but don't want to spent all your money and end up bankrupt from it? Me either. So I entered 'Leon's jacket' into eBay, low and behold, these are what I found.

This is the same jacket, with Leon's stripes down the side and is much cheaper. £54.99 to be precise in Faux Leather, if you want real leather then you can go to 84.99. Still much cheaper than Capcom's pricing.

And this one:

is £80 and real leather. There are a few more in the UK and many in the USA so you CAN have that jacket without bankruptcy.

Will I be getting one? Most likely, it's my birthday coming up and if I get money, God knows I'm going to blow it on this :D


Shadow of the Tomb Raider review.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider review by Dovahniik Finally finished it! It is one hell of a game, no doubt about it, but there are aspects th...