Saturday 31 March 2012

Citalopram withdrawal.

Never felt anything like this in my life. Wish I'd never taken those tablets for four years. Not one doctor ever mentioned that I'd feel like this when I had to stop.

I'm dizzy, shaky, panicky, palpitating and I keep randomly crying.

Ben's not back for 2 hours and I'm on my own.

Don't know why the doctor thought I was strong enough for this, I don't think I am :(


  1. Hang in there ok. You shouldn't have long to wait by now and you always have this blog to focus on when things are rough.

  2. i just come off 20 mg citalopram i didn't have any withdrawal from them nor did i tell/ask the doctor's about it i just spaced out the time i took each pill until i didn't feel the need for them any more i did get quite a few side effect when i started them tho .

  3. Thanks Griever, nice to hear from you again :)

    I had like four years on these pills and my doc was getting a bit nervous about me being on them so long. Strangely enough I feel better in general OFF them, it's jut the effect it has on my body while it adjusts to less serotonin . REALLY shitting feeling but I think I can take it :D


  4. was only on them 6 months but I felt they had run the course and they wasn't helping me like they should I feel 100% better off them than I ever did on them. I all so found running and going to the gym helped me a lot too .


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