Wednesday 24 April 2013

Off for my first session of CBT.

Thought it would do me some good lately with how things have been and with my anxiety acting up.

Need to learn how to speak my mind instead of being silent and letting people walk all over me. Had my first experience of it yesterday when I told someone who had been causing problems exactly what I thought of him. I felt guilty at first because I rarely speak badly to people but afterwards I felt better. It's a good feeling having more control of your own life and what you'll put up with.

So going to tell my CB Therapist that I have trouble with voicing my opinions and also about my anxiety, it gave me a lot of confidence last time I had CBT, and I got rid of a lot of things in my life that weren't going well. I felt so much better; free.

Hopefully I'll get that confidence back again. There's a lot going on at the moment and so I could use a spring clean :)


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