Tuesday 17 June 2014

Rik Mayall.

Not posted in a while but I thought this was worth sharing. I have been devastated to hear of Rik Mayall's death, as was most of Britain because he was the funniest bastard on this planet, so I've been thinking of him a lot lately.

I bought myself a Slaughtered Lamb T-Shirt, since he had a cameo in American Werewolf In London and it's once of my all time favourite movies. I used to watch Bottom, The Young Ones all the time as a child (thanks to mum and dad letting me watch it, but sorry that I picked up all the swear words and still use them consistently in every sentence I say) and Drop Dead Fred was a favourite childhood movie. When I was the first in the family to notice him in AAWIL I felt really proud. *puffs up chest* 

I found this on the internet while Googling for some of Rik's best lines and thought it showed just what a foul-mouthed, amazing man he truly was. This is a birthday card that a woman named Karen MacLeavy received after sending a blank card to Rik for her father's 60th birthday, who is a huge fan of his. I doubt they expected to get this in return...

Amazing, huh?
RIP Rik, we'll never forget you. 


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