Thursday 2 January 2014

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! Sorry for the lack of posts the past few weeks but Christmas time is crazy xD

Decided not to make a New Year's Resolution this year since I forgot what I've made a week. Instead I've just said that I'm going to keep trying to do the things that I love doing and practice a LOT. I'm hoping the e-book will be ready for publishing soon and I'm hoping to upload it to Kindle and Smashwords since the e-book business is becoming a good way for indie writers to get their books into circulation. (Considering I have a e-reader and it's attached to me all the time, I could see the benefits to it! haha)

Since it's getting closer to publishing time, my confidence has taken a dive and telling me the book is going to be crap (thanks brain) but hey, I've read some crap books in my time and they were still a good read so either way, it's still gonna be a step forward from just thinking about writing. Practice makes perfect they say (although if you'd seen my cooking then you'd think twice about whether that's true, it gets worse the harder I try XD).

For a Christmas present, my boyfriend and I bought ourselves a Galaxy Note 8" with a little stylus pen (the only reason I wanted it xD) and it's got a handy note program so I won't have to keep four boxes of sticky notes and random pieces of paper full of scribbled notes on them, that I have to consult every time I forget where my story was headed! I might actually have organized chaos instead of just chaos XD

So now I'm writing the second one, which is a lot easier to write since my last one was years old. This one is new so it's fresh in the mind and ideas are flowing a little more evenly than before. Though it is more of a fantasy horror, I'm not sure what the 'rules' are -if any- on crossing genres but I'm enjoying writing this. Good thing about creating your own world altogether -the rules are yours XD

Hope you have a good year guys! Speak soon,

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