Tuesday 31 July 2012

Tuesday News.

Had some horrible times with anxiety lately, mainly health anxiety about my breathing. It's called Manual Breathing I think. 

Basically it's where you concentrate on your breathing and breath manually instead of automatically. It's basically that your brain tells you that you won't be able to breath unless you think about doing it, when in fact, you will just carry on as normal. 

It's horrible, because it's force breathing, I get dizzy and sick and panicky. My chest is killing because of it. I've tried all sorts of exercise to stop it but nothing has helped so far. 

Every now and again, my brain says "You've stopped breathing!" and I'm right back in manual mode again. It takes up a lot of time to keep fewking doing it and it's causing me to get a heavy chest, which exacerbates  things and ends up in a cycle. Off the doctors some time this week to talk about it and maybe going back for CBT again. 

Good news: I have finally rewritten the first half of my novel to blend with the improved storyline, now I can continue to write the rest of the book. One problem is that I've got 2 endings I really like and I don't know which one to choose! They both revolve around becoming Sarah (the main character's) love interest. But I don't know which one to choose. Her boyfriend before the shit kicks off or the new guy. 

So I'm gonna write both sides and see which one I like best :D 


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