Sunday 5 February 2012

Long time, no see!

Had a really busy few months. Got to know my real father in September/October! Surprising but awesome shit! :D 

My puppy Bear, is getting big. She's 10 months old now and is training well. Stubborn as a mule but she's like me so that's no problem ;-)

Still in the flat with Ben, at the moment watch the end of Pan's Labyrinth. Good film.

Not been on my blog much, since dad bought me the wonder that is, Skyrim. I recommend you all play it and lose your life like we have haha. TOTALLY worth it xD 

Already finished the Guilds and the game once, but I'm playing again as a better character like I used to on Oblivion xD Oh I do love a good Elder Scrolls. xD 

It's been snowing here so Ben, Bear and I have been frolicking in it. My ass is freezing and my feet are basically frost-bitten xD It's a hard life making snow angels and throwing balls at your dog xD 

So tired at the minute, think I must be getting old or something, barely keeping myself awake. But I need  to read my next chapter in Stephen King's Needful Things. It's so addictive! 

No idea what Mr Gaunt's deal is just yet but I want to find out tonight. Hopefully not scare myself to death like last time though....

Night night guys! 


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